Don’t let dry skin, chapped lips, and annoying static shock make your winter miserable. You might think these issues are just something you have to put up with during the colder months, but there’s a better solution. Home Comfort Experts is here to tell you that there’s more you can do than stocking up on moisturizing lotion and lip balm.

The solution is quite straightforward: install a humidifier and repair dry lips at home. It’s not just about surviving winter; it’s about making it more comfortable. A humidifier will add moisture to your dry indoor air, which can relieve dry skin, soothe chapped lips, and reduce those irritating static shocks. So, say goodbye to winter discomfort and hello to the benefits of a humidifier.

How Furnaces Reduce Moisture in the Winter

If anyone in your home suffers from dry or itchy skin, chapped lips, nose bleeds, or dry coughs, the most likely culprit is the air in your home. While what’s in the air itself is fine, what it’s lacking is the problem.

Because we run our furnaces all winter long to stay warm, warmer temperatures chase away moisture. Additionally, because we don’t open our windows in the winter to let moist air in, the moisture level inside our home drops.

While most homes are comfortable at 30 to 50 percent humidity, the average humidity level in the winter drops to 15 percent. Humidifiers can help avoid any issues that come with lower humidify levels and make your home more comfortable.

Problems Caused by Lack of Humidity

At Home Comfort Experts, we are indoor air quality experts. We have solutions to a variety of indoor air problems, including air duct cleaning, electronic air filters, and UV lights that kill mold.

But dry air, by far, is the worst problem in the frigid winter months. Dry air causes many other problems you may not have even attributed to low humidity, including:

Don’t sit in discomfort all winter long, especially when there is a solution to your problems. Install a whole-house humidifier instead, and see how it will free you of these health risks.

How Whole House Humidifiers Work

The best solution to fighting allergies, dry skin, and other annoyances is installing a whole-house humidifier. These units are attached directly to your furnace heating system and distribute humidity throughout your entire house through your air ducts. They are equipped with their own water supply and a gauge that keeps track of the humidity level and automatically adds the right amount of moisture when needed.

When your furnace is activated, warm, moist air is forced through the ductwork into every room in your home, enhancing your home’s air quality and comfort. Additionally, you don’t even have to constantly reset the device; just calibrate it to your liking and let it do its job. These devices are convenient, effective, and affordable.

Humidifier For Chapped Lips

Using a humidifier can work wonders for chapped lips during dry winter months. By increasing the moisture in the air, it prevents your lips from drying out and becoming painfully chapped. This simple addition to your home can make a significant difference, leaving your lips feeling soft and comfortable, and eliminating the need for constant lip balm application.

Humidifier for Static Electricity

Static electricity can be incredibly annoying, especially when the air is dry. As the humidity levels rise from the whole-house humidifier, the chances of experiencing those irritating static shocks decrease significantly. It helps maintain a more balanced and comfortable indoor environment.

Humidifier for Dry Skin

Dry skin can be a persistent problem that leads to irritable itching. A humidifier adds moisture to the air and helps to hydrate your skin, preventing it from becoming dry and itchy. Using a humidifier as part of your daily routine can lead to healthier, more comfortable skin and less reliance on moisturizers and lotions to combat dryness.

Does Boiling Water on the Stove Work as a Humidifier?

Many homeowners try to add moisture by boiling water on the stove or using portable humidifiers. While these methods are better than nothing, they are not near enough to offset the effects of your furnace. If you are looking for a holistic and surefire way to combat dry air, a whole home humidifier is your best bet.

Ready to increase the humidity levels in your home? Contact us at Home Comfort Experts in Indiana and Michigan, and we’ll help you find and install the right unit. Call us at (574) 498-7017 to get started.

At Home Comfort Experts, we are happy to come fix your furnace if it stops working. But, we’ve been in this business a long time and we’ve seen some instances where homeowners thought they had furnace trouble but could have avoided a service charge if they had just checked a few simple things first. Here is our list of things to check before calling us for furnace repair. Not that we don’t want to come see you, but we’d like to save you the money if we can.

Check Your Filter – Dirty filters are the most common cause of furnace problems. Today’s high-efficiency furnaces are designed to shut off if the filter gets too clogged. The heat exchanger will overheat when dust and dirt restrict airflow. The filter is a likely culprit especially if the blower is running but no heat is coming out. Simply replace the filter and see if that solves the problem.

Check Shutoff Switches and Breakers – Our customers always feel a little silly when our furnace technicians find that the only “repair” they needed was to flip a switch. First, check the circuit breaker box. If one looks like it’s not aligned with the rest, flip it back in place. Sometimes, that’s all it is. Also, all furnaces have a switch on or near them – look for a standard wall switch and try flipping it.

Check the Front Panel Cover – Make sure the front panel that covers the blower motor is securely in place. Furnaces have a safety switch that must be pushed in for the furnace to operate.

Flush Out Drain Lines – High-efficiency furnaces are designed to drain off several gallons of water a day. If the drain lines get clogged by sediment or mold, your furnace will automatically shut down. If the drain line looks dirty, you can simply remove the hose, fill it with a mixture of bleach water, then flush it after several minutes. Replace it and it should solve the problem.

Check Your Vent Pipe for Clogs – Snow-packed vent pipes can be a problem in the winter. Every furnace is vented to the outside to get rid of gaseous by-products. In winter storms, these vents can become snow-packed and clog. Once clogged, most new furnaces are designed to stop working as a safety precaution. However, some older models do not have this safety feature and can continue to run, filling your home with dangerous carbon monoxide. If your furnace stops working, check your vent pipe to make sure it is clear. Occasionally, a bird can decide to build a nest in a vent pipe as well, so it’s a good idea to check them every month or so.

If you check all of these things and don’t find the problem, you probably need a professional to take a look. Give us a call and we’ll send one of our Home Comfort Experts furnace repair technicians to save the day. Stay warm!
