Don’t Be Robbed Blind Again!
Save Big Money on Your Heating Bills with a Tune-Up!
Being robbed is every homeowner’s worst nightmare! You feel so vulnerable and it can cost a fortune to put your life back together afterwards.
Believe it or not—there’s a stranger lingering around your home right this second! In fact, he’s been lurking for a long time—and every heating season, he robs you blind! The worst part is you haven’t known it, yet he’s been stealing from you every year!
What could be this mysterious prowler be? Who is the shadowy figure taking your hard-earned money? It’s your furnace! Each winter your furnace robs you with bloated, fat, disgusting energy bills. As soon as you turn it on, your furnace may deliver warm air, but it also delivers a punch to your pocketbook.
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Well, your heating bills don’t have to be that bad! You don’t have to let your furnace rob you blind every single winter. Instead, you can have an HVAC–system tune-up performed by Home Comfort Experts, which could significantly lower your heating bill!
During a tune-up, one of our technicians will conduct a multipoint inspection of your system to make sure your furnace is cleaned, adjusted, lubricated and fully functional! Home Comfort Experts also uses a special camera to get inside your furnace and check the most vulnerable part-the heat exchanger.
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After your tune-up, not only will you start saving money on your heating bills; you could be adding years to your furnace’s life!
Also, each tune-up is backed by Home Comfort Expert's 100 percent money-back guarantee on services and products. Further, we offer an on-time guarantee for installations and a two-year, client-trust guarantee. Read more here. If you follow our technicians' recommendations, Home Comfort guarantees our work at 100 percent satisfaction.
During the winter months, Home Comfort Experts is running a winter replacement special! Call (574) 255-4600 to schedule an estimate or tune-up on your furnace! Stop letting your furnace rob you blind every winter! Have a tune-up performed and save big on your heating bill while also extending the life of your furnace!