Four Reasons to Replace Your Home HVAC System All At Once

It’s no secret that home energy bills can be a major expense for homeowners. Heating costs in the winter months and the price of air conditioning for cooling in the warmer months can run very high. When it comes to your budget, you may want to consider replacing your heating and air conditioning systems at the same time. Why? Here are four good reasons to consider doing that in your home.
One: It’s More Economical
You’ll probably get better pricing if your furnace and air conditioning systems are done together. A residential company will most likely be able to get a package price for you on a furnace and air conditioning system combination purchase. And the industry is always progressing and finding ways to save residential customers money. For instance, air conditioning energy use could be lowered by 20-50% in American homes if the units were switched to high-efficiency air conditioners.
Two: It’s More Environmentally Friendly
When replacing your residential systems, you probably want to get a matched set of equipment from the heating company. If the furnace and the air conditioning unit are a matched set, then they will probably have a better EER (Energy Efficient Ratio) rating. This is because compatible systems in matched sets will work together. And the bottom line (after saving you money) is that they are energy-savers that will also be more environmentally friendly. Plus, they are quite durable, too.
Three: It’s More Labor Saving for Repairs
A furnace and air conditioning system that is purchased and installed together from a cooling and heating company will probably last longer than two individual units. Also, scheduling maintenance and check-ups will be more convenient because the technician will be able to look at both pieces of equipment in one service call trip. This will also probably be less expensive than individual trips. If a repair needs to be done, the service department will be familiar with all your equipment and your maintenance history, which will enable them to get to the source of the problem quicker.
Four: It Adds More Residential Resale Value
Calling a cooling and heating company to have a new furnace and air conditioning system installed in your home has another advantage, too, in addition to the ones mentioned above. Home buyers know that newer systems function more efficiently. And that translates into lower energy bills. If your furnace and air conditioning systems are about the same age, this is a great plus to prospective buyers. They will most likely view this as winning twice: saving on the heating and saving on the cooling. Another factor to consider is that most households in the United States, about 87%, have an air conditioning system already installed. Gone are the days when air conditioning was a luxury! Now, for health, comfort and resale value reasons, among others, it is practically a necessity. So a cooling system is probably something that buyers would expect to find in your home.
Most energy companies and residential heating and cooling contractors would be willing to prepare a quote for the energy needs of your home. An efficient, well-maintained heating and cooling system has many benefits for a residential location. One of the most important benefits, however, is that it improves the quality of life for those living in the home. Making the HVAC systems more affordable, more energy efficient, and healthier is a great benefit for everyone.
Contact our heating professionals at Home Comfort Experts today to learn about our services. We serve Northern Indiana and Southwest Michigan from our 12 locations. Give us a call at (574) 255-4600 to learn about our full complement of heating, cooling, and plumbing services.