Why You Need to Replace Your Galvanized Pipes

Do you live in a house that was built almost 50 years ago? Is your plumbing system still in good shape? You may have galvanized pipes, which have a protective zinc coating to prevent oxidation. However, they could be prone to rust and damage over time. With quality plumbing services, you may be able to check if your pipelines need replacement. Here are some indicators to look for:
Strange Odor Is Present
Sewer pipes must be sealed properly. Failure to do so can cause leakage of sewer gas, which can be detrimental to health. If you notice this instantly, do not hesitate to call a local plumber to have it fixed.
Leaks Are Frequent
When leaks are becoming frequent, check the pipes that are close to the affected area first. There might be a crack or damage to the sewer pipes, which will need immediate plumbing repair. However, if regular maintenance has been conducted and the leaks recur, do not hesitate to call a professional.
Molds Are Building Up
Another telltale sign of deterioration is mold and mildew buildup. When iron pipes have cracks, leakage occurs, which facilitates mold and mildew growth in your home. This could be dangerous to you and your family’s health, especially for those with skin and respiratory allergies.
Water Discoloration Can Be Dangerous
Water dripping from your faucet should be crystal clear. So, if you notice rust-colored water, consider having your galvanized pipes replaced instantly. Discoloration can be caused by corrosion within the pipes. Watch out for any discoloration in your home’s running water, as this could be toxic due to the accumulation of lead.
Pipe Indentations Are Visible
When sewer pipes break, it can lead to water accumulation under your home’s basement. When left unattended, the surrounding soil becomes saturated with water, sinking some parts of the land. At this point, your plumbing system needs to be assessed right away.
The best plumbing solution is an immediate pipe replacement. This way, you’ll be able to restore your piping while also preventing health and financial risks over time.
Turn to Home Comfort Experts!
Regularly checking your plumbing system is extremely important. If you notice any of the signs above, do not hesitate to hire a professional. Here at Home Comfort Experts, our team of expert plumbers can help you with your plumbing needs. We provide quality plumbing services such as repair, installation, drain cleaning, and more. Get in touch with us today!