How to Cut Home Heating Costs This Winter

Colder weather means an increase in your heater usage. But cranking up the heat can come at a cost. To save, it’s important to think of seamless ways to cut costs this winter. Without sacrificing warmth, joy, and comfort, Home Comfort Experts is here to help.
Home Comfort Experts offers easy maintenance services that provide you with the peace of mind you need to enjoy the winter season. Wondering how to save on heating bills? Continue reading to find out how.
Check Your Appliances
Your furnace is a key component of home heating. Especially during winter, furnaces work overtime to heat and maintain a comfortable indoor temperature. To avoid breakdown, service your furnace and other heating outlets ahead of the season.
Home Comfort Experts offers furnace installation, repair, and even replacement services near you. Block out the winter blues with Home Comfort Experts’ locally available assistance. In addition to providing immediate relief, servicing your appliances helps minimize future damage.
Clean Your Ducts and Change Filters
Ductwork and filters can compile dust, debris, and other contaminants that block air from circulating throughout your home. Routine cleaning is an affordable way to make sure they’re ready for cold weather.
Enlist Home Comfort Experts to effortlessly change out the filters—a maintenance procedure that we recommend doing every six to nine months. It’s not that cleaning filters will yield a ‘good as new’ feel, but it will regulate airflow in a centralized, consistent way.
If you’re trying to heat your home to no avail, you might have a leak. Leaks in ductwork cause a large quantity of heated hair to escape. This is both a monetary and comfort loss.
Inspect for Air Leaks
Building materials don’t do well in cold weather. Unthought-of areas like door seals and cable outlets may fall prey to drafts. Even if your region doesn’t get snow, small cracks may form in otherwise airtight spots. Professional inspection can help lessen the potential for air leaks during winter.
The team at Home Comfort Experts seals windows, door frames, pipes, and any other vulnerable areas.
Cover Windows
If you know that your windows are aging, it would be smart to repair them ahead of time. A large percentage of home heating is lost to aged, deteriorated, or drafty windows. Many homeowners might not even know their windows are the source of heat loss.
Turn Down The Thermostat
It seems simple enough but lowering your thermostat minimizes heating costs. Even if it’s just a few degrees, you’re saving money on indoor heating. Consider if your thermostat can be shut off during cold weather, as this may interfere with pipes.
Layer Up
Stockpile blankets and layer up in your warmest clothes. It’s a simple — and cozy — way to combat chilly temperatures at home. Have a pair of fuzzy socks you’ve been waiting to pull out? Now’s the time.
Not only is this costless heating alternative accessible but it also enhances the winter atmosphere we all know and love. When the temperature drops and you scramble for ways to stay warm, just head to the closet and bundle up.
Use the Sun as Natural Heat
Speaking of natural heating alternatives, the sun is a consistent source of warmth that’s usually readily available.
Unless it’s a cloudy day, try sitting near a window or opening the blinds. As long as your windows are sealed, light should travel through and naturally warm up the place.
Close Off Unused Rooms
A draft is one thing, but an unused, open room creates space for cold air to sit idle. If you’re not using a room, go ahead and close it off.
This minimizes the potential for cold air from other rooms to waft through to your main hang-out areas, such as the living room or kitchen. Place a bundled towel underneath these doors to block cold air from entering or exiting.
Confirm Windows and Doors are Shut
Confirm that every bedroom, dining, or kitchen window is shut tightly. Doors need to be shut as well, otherwise, air can escape. Do a quick pass-through on colder days just to make sure there aren’t any potential openings.
Turn on the Ceiling Fan
Try using your bedroom ceiling fans to keep you warm at night. If they’re moving fast enough, this should help move hot air around at a fast pace.
Remember to reverse the fan by clicking a switch at the base of it. The blades moving in a clockwise direction pull air upward and circulate hot air throughout the room.
Add Insulation
Adding insulation to your crawl space, attic, or floors is a smart way to keep spaces warm. Insulation traps and retains heat, blocking it from escaping through drafty walls and other areas. It doesn’t produce heat, but it does harness it. Insulation is a cost-effective, low-maintenance, and easy-to-install heating tool, and it is an underrated heating tool.
Get an Energy Audit
An energy audit is just a fancy term for a professional inspection. A specialist will check for open areas allowing cold, external air inside. If any inconsistencies are found, they’re handled there on the spot. Repairs, replacements, and any restoration services can be completed within the day with Home Comfort Experts.
Worried About the Winter Conditions in Your Area? Contact Home Comfort Experts
Having Trouble with Your Heater? Reach Out to Home Comfort Experts for Assistance
Operating in both Indiana and Michigan, we provide instant winter relief to homeowners daily. We care about your home comfort’ and promise to replace, restore, or remove anything that’s impeding it.
As an essential part of winter maintenance, your heater needs to be all full force. If your home heater is malfunctioning or needs to be replaced, call Home Comfort Experts at (574) 221-8595 for immediate service. Reach out to us for professional heating care in your area.