
Save Money And Energy With A Tankless Hot Water Heater

Heating water in your home when it’s not needed can add up to higher energy costs. The traditional, tank-style hot water heater heats up water and then keeps it warm in the until you need it. Tankless water heaters are far more efficient because they only use energy to heat water while you are using it.

The U.S. Department of Energy estimates that even if you use 41 gallons of water or less in your home, an on-demand heater can be 24  to 34 percent more efficient than a tank-style water heater. That can be more than $100 of savings per year on gas bills.

Corrosion is not an issue in a tankless water heaters because water is not collected in the system. This extends the life of an on-demand heater to about 20 years, almost twice that of a storage water heater.

On-demand heaters installed throughout your home supply almost instant hot water. No more letting water run at the faucet, waiting for hot water to be delivered from far away. You also won’t have to take a cold shower, unless you want to, because no one uses up the hot-water reserves in a tankless system.

Tankless water heaters have become a popular replacement when a tank water heater wears out. Because a compact, tankless unit mounts on the wall, inside or outside of the home, you may find yourself with some extra space where that big tank used to sit.

Saving money and improving your carbon footprint at the same time are good reasons to consider a tankless water heater. But it's also smart to get some professional advice before you make the decision.

At Home Comfort Experts we can give you expert advice on the right tankless water heater for your home. We take great pride in our attention to detail and our earned reputation for neatness. Check out our monthly specials. You can even schedule an appointment online.

Our goal is to help educate our customers about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems).  For more information about tankless hot water heaters and other HVAC topics, click here to download our free Home Comfort Resource guide.


Home Comfort services the Mishawaka/South Bend areas of Indiana.  To get started, check out our website or see our special offers.

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